Saturday, March 8, 2014

Angkor Wat Day I

Angkor Archaeological Park, located near Siem Reap, is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. The area stretches of 400 square kilometers and contains the remains of several temples and capitals of the Khmer Empire. The magnificent structures were built from the 9th to 15th century.  These ruins attest to the awesomeness of human creativity and capability.

On the bus ride from the Vipassana course, I met Teck from Singapore. He was also going to be visiting the temples and offered for me to tag along with his tour guide. I gladly accepted!

My 3 day ticket!

The first day we went by tuk tuk to the furthest temples that created the "Grand Circuit."

driving along a bridge into the park

first random stop, a tree and me!

Here are some noteworthy pictures from around the different temples we saw that day.

the grand entrance to the temple

relief paintings of the temple carvings for sale 

Teck climbing up

View from the top

Walking along the wooden pathway



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