Friday, August 2, 2013


Me and Jerry

Some students just absolutely make your life. Jerry is one of them. Jerry is an amazing 6-year-old boy in youngest class I teach, where the class focus is primarily on phonics and word recognition. His enthusiasm and creativity inspire me so! So, here are three reasons why Jerry is awesome (and three reasons to love my job).

1. After a simple game of rock/paper/scissors, I love watching him literally jump up with first in the air victory or drop down to his hands and knees in defeat. These images are priceless.

2. He gets OBSESSED with a new word each week and finds ways to incorporate it in our sentence writing. This week he loves the word "monster".  Other weeks it was "apple" and "angry birds". Sometimes he'll incorporate as many words as possible, making a sentence such as "The angry birds eat an apple monster."

3. He comes in everyday before class starts to tell me something.  At that point, I drop everything I am doing and listen because it absolutely rejuvenates me to talk to him. Sometimes he shows me his snack. Sometimes he shows me a new scratch or bruise. Sometimes he just comes in to see how I'm doing. I love him.

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