Thursday, June 5, 2014

Acroyoga Playshop

I had mentioned this in a previous post, but I have to say that one of the highlight experience of the course was co-teaching an acroyoga workshop with Ethan. Ever since Krishnamacharya and the popularization of yoga, there has been countless schools and style of yoga, each emphasizing a different aspect of yoga. Acroyoga comes from the ancient discipline of Hatha Yoga (India), acrobatics (Greece), and Thai massage (Thailand).

We began with gathering everyone in a circle and chanting Om, symbolically uniting our individual energies with the vibrations of others and the world.

While in the circle, we followed with a brief overview of  acroyoga and a group discussion about the foundations of successful partnership. After we led the group in partner yoga warm ups.

Ethan and I then did a short demonstration.

We discussed the different roles, safety issues, and instructed the basics for two postures. Then it was time for the group to fly!

We also saved time at the end of class to experiment with other postures.

Downward Dog Pyramid

Reverse Plank Tower!

This one was just for fun! A group shot!

It was s beautiful experience! Everyone was really willing, engaged, and supportive of each other. The group energy was electric this day! There were a lot of people who really stepped our of their comfort zone for this and ended up having a great time. What an honor to be a part of that!

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